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You are 100% right on target. I saw the show and I also admire Dr. Oz's ability to cut through dense medical information and tell me things in a way that I not only understand them, I have a good chance of remembering them.

His show on ovarian cancer was an eye-opener. The emphasis on symptoms, on early detection and on being your own advocate was empowering (I almost typed empowhering, lol!)

A woman on the show had been treated for digestive issues, GI tract issues and something else before her back pain convinced her doctor to examine her ovaries. An ultrasound found a cyst, but in taking it out they felt the cyst was not a big issue. So she was shocked a few days later when the lab tests came back and the cyst was found to be malignant.

The story has a happy ending - her cancer was found so early that she is fine. In fact, she had a baby girl a little over a year later.

Here's a link to the Dr. Oz site and a video in which he discusses those important warning signs:


November 13, 2009 - 10:18am


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