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Hi Susan:

Thanks for your comment. Unlike you, I don't really enjoy applying makeup. I'm a busy person and impatient to boot, so it's not something I like spending my time on. You are such an attractive woman...if I were as pretty as you are I might enjoy it more!

I'm glad you brought up your enjoyment of the ritual. That's a reason not to get permanent makeup I hadn't thought of.

Even for me, though, the risk of not liking the result is just too great. The comments on RealSelf ran about 60% for and 40% against...those are just not good odds in my book. So, I apply makeup when I need to and go without when I'm at home. My husband doesn't seem to mind, or maybe he just doesn't notice!

Good to hear from you.

November 20, 2009 - 2:56pm


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