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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am experiencing the same problems, had flu shot on 10/23/17, starting having severe middle/lower back pain on Tuesday. It got so bad that I made an appointment to see my PC doctor, set up some PT, gave injection of pain and steroid in hips very little pain relief. I called back on Saturday, talked to nurse, that I was still having severe middle radiating to left and right sides. She talked with doctor, a prescription of muscle relaxer called into my pharmacist. It has given some relief but not much, I use heat and cold, mostly moist heat. I have never experienced this with a flu shot before, I am thinking this is the culprit in this situation. Moist heat is better, take a smaller hand towel, wet it, put in a gallon baggie, slide inside your regular heating pad. I use on medium heat 15 mins, off for 15 and them use cold for 15, alternating. This started Tuesday, this is the fifth day, some relief since started taking the muscle relaxer. I will also continue with the PT on Tuesday. Hope this will be helpful.

October 29, 2017 - 12:09pm


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