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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Allison,

I am about to have HPV (the kind that is precancerous) and am about to have a Leep. The doctor told me that if my fiancee has it he COULD give it back to me. You need to go and get another pap and soon. Precancerous cells they can usually remove (like in my case), however, if you wait too long it can turn into cervical cancer. That could eventually kill you, and I know money is tight, but cancer would be a lot more devistating and expensive. It can also make it so you can't have children. I'm sorry your in such a hard situation. It is really important that you go get tested. Maybe look into something like blue cross blue shield. Or, maybe type in something like low cost health insurance, or state run health insurance. GO GET TESTED regardless. I'll pray for you.... I hope it all turns out all right in the end. God Bless. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to respond. I told it to e-mail me if someone comments on this post.

April 12, 2010 - 6:38pm


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