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EmpowHER Guest

You speak of my "violent phrase," yet the pro-choice community wants us to ignore the horrifying violence of abortion. I've read materials pushed by Planned Parenthood and they fail to mention how abortion ends life, how it stops a beating heart, and how it scars mothers and injures families.

Good never comes from evil. The GREATEST LIE of the pro-choice movement is that our children are not real until they can exist outside of the womb, and before that, they are nothing more than blobs of tissue and property of the mother. People, even little people, are not property. This country nearly self destructed over this issue in the 1860s.

In this country, half of the babies that are aborted are female, and in places like China girl babies are aborted many times over the number of boys. Who in the "right to choose" community is speaking-out against this injustice? Exactly no one, because if they did they would have to admit that unborn children have value to society.

If I'm passionate about this issue it is partly because I was nearly aborted by my teenage mother many years ago after she came into contact with a pro-abort crowd. I thank God every day for my life, and I am eternally grateful for my mother's sacrifices. How ironic that we are having this discussion at all; that I am alive to communicate with you. That you and I are both alive and having this conversation.

I a few days Christians will celebrate the birth of a child; a poor homeless child living in an occupied and hostile land, to a teenage mother and an old father, to a child born in a barn on a cold night in a world suffering from darkness, fear, and despair. To a child that that brought light to the world, and hope, and love. Thank God Mary chose the hard path and brought Jesus into our imperfect world as a gift for you and me.

Yes, this is "an extremist view," I agree, but only because the culture of death, and the sickness of Eugenics and racial superiority brought to us by the Margret Sangers of the world, are now the norm. If you want to catch-up on literature, may I suggest that you start with the founder of the pro-choice movement - who was adored and personally honored by none other than Adolf Hitler for all the values that Planned Parenthood now embodies.

A tree with bad roots won't stand the winds of time. I will pray for you.

December 4, 2009 - 11:26am


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