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Just to confirm the important dates (any unprotected sexual intercourse you had before your period would not "count" as far as being pregnant now; any menstrual period indicates that you are not pregnant that cycle). And, I'm sure you know, that you can not become pregnant from unprotected anal sex, unless some ejaculatory fluid came near/on/inside your vagina.

- You had protected sex on December 5th
- Your LMP (last menstrual period) was October 26th
- You have not had a period since this time
- You are not on about "day 43" of your cycle (which is definitely considered "late"), as most women's cycles range from 21-35 days (between periods, counting on the first day of bleeding for each period).

Good for you for having protected sex! Depending on what method you used (condom, for example), you would be up to 98% protected from pregnancy (if used consistently and correctly).

A HPT would come out negative, as it is just 3 days after protected sex. A HPT would not show reliable results until about 2 weeks after unprotected sex episode.

- How long are your periods typically?
- Is there any chance of ejaculatory fluid coming into contact with your vagina during anal sex (assuming this occurred after your Oct 26th period)?
- Was the protected sex you had on Dec. 5th using a reliable form of birth control (condom, for instance)?

Some women have late periods for no "apparent" reason, and if you used a reliable form of birth control correctly on Dec 5th, there is not much of a chance that you are pregnant (nothing is 100% effective). I know it is unsettling (to say the least) to not have your period start, but this is a common occurrence for women to have a late, or even a missed, period.

Your next step is, unfortunately, to wait until your next period, or wait 2 weeks and retest using a HPT. It is doubtful that you are pregnant if you answered favorably to the above questions (reliable birth control used correctly, and no chance of ejaculatory fluid coming into contact with your vagina during anal sex).

Does this help?

December 8, 2009 - 2:12pm


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