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EmpowHER Guest

OK ladies, I am a man and want to share my story which is still on going. My beautiful other half and I have been together working on 6 years 3 of those have been living together as well. We are both faithful caring loving and share a really good bond together. We are best friends and spend every minute together. Our sex life is wonderful when it happens. The first 3 years we did it almost every night or atleast 3 times a week. Now after close to 6 years we may have sex once a month or once every 2 months and it is because of me not her. She has asked me why we don't and has told me she wants to and has tried multiple times and I just don't have the want to anymore. This has been going on now for over 8 months. I am very sexually attracted to her and love making love and being intimate with her but am having mental issues which are making me just not want to do it. I stress myself daily asking myself why and what's different. Come to find out it is because of a medical disorder. It had nothing to do with me not wanting to or anything it was a mental medical problem that was going on that everyone will eventually go through later in life and later into your relationship the longer it goes on. So if you truly love your man and know he is faithful and loves you then don't give up on him. If he can't tell you why he doesn't want to then maybe it's because it Is a medical thing which he doesn't know about. I'm sure he probably doesn't like not wanting to himself and is probably being really hard on himself and grieving and depressing and looking down upon himself over this situation as well. Just understand that it really could be something going on medically and that he may just need need you to comfort him and support him to seek help from a doctor and professional. If it's not all medical then even seeing a mental counselor or couples therapy or marriage counseling could be the resolution and resolve all of it. Don't give up and ruin something by cheating or leaving him until you know know for sure what's going on. Thanks for your time

January 22, 2015 - 9:30am


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