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(reply to neversurrendr)


I think you're wonderful to work so hard for answers and information on your wife's behalf. I'm very concerned that you "get zero cooperation from our doctors." With the amount of work you do to research your wife's conditions and symptoms, I am sure that you worked to find good doctors; but you are not pleased with them? Are these specialists in hormones and/or fibromyalgia?

Has any doctor suggested trying a natural progesterone for your wife? Or if you suggested it, what was his/her response?

You mention that your wife is 49 and started menopause at 45. I am assuming this means total cessation of periods at that time, right? So she's been in menopause for about four years?

You have probably found this site, but it may be helpful:


I am wondering if your wife would benefit from seeing a naturopathic physician. Naturopathic physicians do consider the entire body and all its systems/symptoms when they are treating a patient. They are not conventional physicians -- though they often work with conventional physicians. They use natural processes to help the body heal itself.

Here's an EmpowHer article about going to a naturopath:


Here is the site for the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and there's a box where you can search for those near you. You can then look at the websites for the areas of emphasis for invidual physicians to see if they are a fit for you:


Where do you live, neversurrendr? (Just city and state). Do you have a lot of options available to you?

June 7, 2010 - 8:41am


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