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Living with a person affected by this disorder can be a living hell. In my case, my girlfriend of ten years is absorbed in a sort of workaholic lifestyle at the expense of all else. She has no real recreational hobbies whatsoever. She works and when she is not at work she is glued to her laptop at home where she works more. When she is not on the laptop, she watches Netflix through her iPad obsessively, one series after another, and every single episode of that series. Oddly, her one recreational activity is smoking - both cigarettes and marijuana. Both of these are activities she engages in every day.

Owing to her fear of germs, there has never been even one occasion where guests have been invited over in over five years. Luckily, I own my own house and am able to bridge that gap that way. In general, she is anal and "feisty" in the negative sort of way. She is by nature a contrary type of person and sees nothing in being agreeable. She'll make me wait when leaving the house, often for five or ten minutes, while I sit in the car. But when it is me who needs more time, she'll rush me. Its as if she is wired to what is exactly the opposite of what the moment requires - and whatever that is, she'll do.

In general conversation, she'll be unnecessarily argumentative. If we go out to dinner, she'll say she wants to turn around and go home if there is something neither of us can control, like a weather for example. If the restaurant is crowded, we leave before even sitting down, because she says she cant stand crowds.

It's just a train wreck. I would leave her, but the truth is, I don't want her to be alone. I know she won't find anyone who will put up with this. Advise is welcome.

January 4, 2015 - 12:19am


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