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EmpowHER Guest

I've been reading a lot of these comments in hope for a similar situation such as mine but nothing. I had sex on the Jan 4 with my boyfriend and the condom broke! I freaked out and took plan b the following day on Jan 6 the same exact thing happend I took another plan b later that day. No unusual spotting and I was suppost to get my period January 17 today is February 19 and I have skipped my second period as well as my first with no signs of being pregnant. I've took 2 tests and it said I wasnt pregnant. I'm only 17 I cheer and I run track, I'm very active and Im pretty little only weighing 102 pounds I'm not sure if this has anything to do with me not getting my period, but can anyone help?

February 19, 2012 - 6:55am


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