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EmpowHER Guest

I sort of have a similiar situation. My LMP was on March 5 and lasts about 5 days. My boyfriend and I had sex on march 13th/14th(early morning) and I got a plan b that morning. (My boyfriend and i didnt use a condom for a minute and then realized we were being dumb and put one on.) Exactly a week later, March 21st, I decided to take birth control, but only took it for a totally of two days, march 21 and 22. I did NOT have the light bleeding a week after taking plan b like every other women I read has had, but do not have any symptoms of pregnancy. I took a total of 7 pregnancy test and they are all negative, but it is now 20 days late. I am stressing over this, but trying to stay calm seeing as it can delay your period more. Is there a chance that plan b just caused me to skip a whole month even though i didnt have the spotting after taking it? Please respond someone! It would really help me out :( I mean, I am not too young to have a baby, but I want to be married first and finish nursing school. Please help!

April 24, 2012 - 11:42pm


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