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EmpowHER Guest

I had the Her Option done in early Sept 2010. The clear discharge lasted about 3 weeks, and at my 4 week checkup, I had not had a period. The 2nd month I had a 4 day cycle and 7 days of lighter spotting. Then a week later began another cycle which lasted 4 days. A couple days off then 5 days of really dark discharge again. This has continued and am now 13 weeks post op. During this time, I have had sporadic sharp pains in the pelvic area. This has graduated over the past few days to what I can only describe as a constant cramping like I am about to start again, but have not had any bleeding so far. Seen my dr. a few days ago and he did a pelvic ultra sound which shows no issues. He said come back again in 4 wks if no improvement. I am still hoping all this will resolve. Anyone else had the pelvic pain issues

December 4, 2010 - 6:26pm


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