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EmpowHER Guest

I went to the ER yesterday and was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. The onset took about four days. The first day I noticed that I couldn't move my right nostril and the right side of my tongue was numb. Didn't think too much of it. The next day I noticed that my right eye was not closing and opening at the same time as my left eye. The third day I started talking funny because I could not move the right corner of my mouth. Also started noticing that I was having a hard time spitting when I brushed my teeth. Tried to smile and right side of lips stayed shut. The fourth day is when It hit full force. Could not raise my right eyebrow anymore and started having a hard time drinking and eating. I could not close my right eye completely and the tearing up had started. Could not clinch my neck either when I bit down. The doctor told me that these are classic symponts, especially because the forehead was affected. He could not tell me exactly what caused it. I've heard everything from a virus to stress. I was prescribed Acyclovir and Predinsone. I have an appointment with my regular doctor next week.

February 16, 2010 - 10:08am


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