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Hi anieaka,
I also have pretty bad endomitriosis and did lose my ovaries because of the endomitriosis and ovarian cysts. It has really messes up my hormones (since I can no longer produce my own estrogen) and have to deal with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I've had a really hard time balancing my hormones and wish I still had at least one of my ovaries to help me balance my estrogen levels. If I had the choice I would keep my ovaries at all cost. Let the doctor get in there and clean up the endomitriosis and only leave the removal of your ovary as a last resort.

I lost my ovaries one at a time first the right one then 2 years later lost the left one. Once I lost my right ovary I quickly started into perimenopause and didn't know it at the time. I thought I was to young to be in any type of menopause but that wasn't the case. I had horrible hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and short term memory loss. Now that that I'm in menopause and on hormone replacement therapy - I sure wish I had my ovaries!!

Good luck with your decision and keep us posted on your progress.

March 9, 2010 - 10:35am


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