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My current boyfriend was victimized by a woman he considered his best friend. It hurt me so terribly to see him being taken advantage of in this way but I couldn't make him see what she was doing. It got to the point where she convinced him to cheat on me. The reason I'm with him still is that yes, he did something wrong, but she had control of his brain. And now he's seen it. That was far enough and he acknowledges now how liberating it is to know what she was doing and to be free of that burden. He was depressed because of it and he was generally so unhappy and it killed me to see him as such. I wanted to be making him happy but because of this gaslighting, there was nothing I could do to pull him out of this destructive 'friendship'. For others' use, is there anything someone in my position could have done? To stop it or prevent it from getting worse? To make them realize what's really happening? I know that this is the rare case where a girl is victimizing, not the victim, but this does happen. An article on how to help someone going through this would be so incredibly beneficial.

January 2, 2015 - 10:56pm


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