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Hi Debbie, and anyone else who's interested -

The EmpowHER website has many features for members. In addition to commenting on posts, you can also submit an "Ask" to ask questions of other members or you can submit a "Share." Maria's post about her blog, for example, is a "Share."

To do a Share, you have to first log onto the site as you usually do. If you click in the upper left corner on "EmpowHer" it should take you to the home page (www.empowher.com) as a signed in person. Scroll down to the middle of the page, to the "Ask" and "Share" section. There's two big orange button boxes, one for Ask and one for Share. Click on the Share button, and it will pop up a "Share Your Health Story" page, with boxes for a headline, and then a box to put your "Share" information. (Personally I find it easier to do my "share" first in a Word document and then copy and paste it in the box.) Below the share box are boxes for the condition you're writing about, you can just use the drop down box to put in the right condition. At the very bottom, in the open box, put the words that are the most important ones that people who need your information would use in a search. This will make it easier for others to find your Share in the future when they go to a search engine such as Google.

You can then use the "Preview" button below to see how your share would look on the site (and spell check it, etc.) and when you are happy with it all you have to do is hit "Submit Share" and it will go on the site - instantly.

I think people show as anonymous while putting these together and their user name comes up after it's saved, so if that happens with yours, it's perfectly normal.

I'm looking forward to what you have to say, and hope this helps you say it.
Take care,

March 21, 2010 - 6:17pm


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