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(reply to Pat Elliott)

hi pat, your words of encouragement help so much. thank you and don't be shy when you need to blog. locating or starting a support group where i live sounds like just the ticket. do i just advertize in the paper or online like craigslist? would appreciate any advice/how to's you suggest. and pat please know that lukemia, arachnoid cyst or whatever, you can count on support in this corner. what kind of lukemia are you ill with? yesterday morning i i checked out a site, NIH.gov. if any one wants to check it out, there is an up to date page on arachnoid cyst that is very helpful and validating regarding symptoms. made me question how drs can still tell patients these cysts cause no symptoms. a one sided headache developed yesterday taht knocked me on my can. litterally took over the left side of my head. it fianlly subsided in the evening and once gone i felt much better. today tho i am again layed low but this time by nauseua n fatigue, light headeness and discomfort in my chest. comes n goes depending on how still i stay. ironic, just saw a dr and it was just my brain giving me grief. now i just don't know. will be glad when the next dr reads the scans and lets me know, sub arachnoid or just arachnoid? the sub arachnoids sound downright scary and the radiologist said he believed it was near the base of my brain. oh well, i covered this before. just typing it ie saying it helps me wrap my head so to speak around the whole ordeal for now. my poor 73 yr old mom, God bless her, is helping me with the kids. back to the couch. take care everybody.

April 15, 2010 - 1:51pm


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