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(reply to mandii)


Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, your last menstrual period was end of January, and you haven't missed March's period yet (you said it's supposed to begin at the end of the month). So, you've really only missed February's period, which can be completely normal.

I just want to make sure that you aren't "self-diagnosing" and having a lot of un-necessary tests unless your doctor prescribes it. There are other signs of anemia, and if you aren't having any other symptoms (not including late/missed period):
* Tiredness
* Lethargy
* Feeling faint
* Paleness
* Shortness of breath
* Dizziness
* Headache
* Coldness in the hands and feet
* Pale skin
* Chest pain
* Rapid or irregular heartbeat

....then I would listen to what your doctor recommends, as s/he may not test you for anemia. We could all play the "guessing game" as to why you missed one period, but many, many women (especially teens) have irregular periods, and can even miss a period..or two...and not know the reason. There is a condition called amenorrhea that means the absence of a period, but that medical term does not even apply until a woman has missed three or more periods. It is just that common for women to miss a period, even two, and have no underlying medical condition. Reasons for a missed period can be anything from: excess stress, recent illness, new medication, sudden weight gain/loss or other unknown factors (once pregnancy is ruled out, of course).
And, yes, there is always the possibility of an underlying medical condition that is causing a missed period, but since you, your mom and your doctor are aware of your situation, I have confidence that you will receive good medical evaluations if the time comes (if you do not get a period within the next few cycles).

Bottom line: you've "only" missed one period, and your next period should start soon. If it does not, I'm sure you will go to the doctor for a medical evaluation, but please know that even missing two periods is not a "danger" sign in-and-of itself. It is smart to have routine tests done, but you don't want to go overboard with tests, either, when what you are experiencing is common and not a health risk. Keep taking care of yourself, which also means emotionally/mentally by not worrying too much, or looking at the calendar wondering when your period will begin.

Let me know if I can clarify any of this further, as I hope it made sense.

Take care, and please let us know the minute your period begins!

March 21, 2010 - 6:42pm


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