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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My son started Deplin, 15 mg one a day about 9 weeks ago .
He suffers from Depression , Anxiety and PTSD for many years . He has tried most of the SRI’s and SNRI’s. Seemingly, Lexapro as well as Klonopin
was helping him the best . Since he has been on the Lexapro for 10 years , it start to lose it’s efficacy. His psychiatrist suggested Deplin.
Because he read that it could take up to 10werks to work , he struggled through . There were days that he felt discouraged but he keep taking it day .
Finally , at the 9 th week he felt a difference.
His depression has decreased , his mood is better and additionally , his anxiety has decreased as well . This Deplin is a blessing.
Finally ,
Don’t think you are going to have an instant “cure”.
Deplin seems to take some time for it to work .
Everyone has a different experience ; Just don’t give up too early !!!

August 29, 2018 - 5:12pm


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