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(reply to alone2010)


I'm very proud of you for taking steps to figure out exactly where you are, mentally, legally and financially. All of that information will help you figure out exactly what you want to do next.

I'm glad your husband is such a good father, and very sad that he has changed so much. And yes, there are always two sides of the coin. Most marriages have rough patches here and there, but it is the behavior DURING the rough patch that matters. Does a person stay in there, working on it, or do they quit emotionally? It sounds like this is what your husband did, at least at one time, and that he can't see the big picture anymore.

Do you believe he has cheated on you sexually? That there has been actual infidelity?

Do you think he will come to counseling with you again?

I hear you when you say that "Reality is starting to set in that I will have to make a decision at some point." True, true. It's uncomfortable and it's frightening and it's not something we ever want to do, but when it's best for us, we have to do it.

I'm so glad you're in counseling, for YOU. With some time and work, you will know what direction is right for you and your boys. Keep looking out for yourself and your children and you'll make all the right decisions.

March 23, 2010 - 9:39am


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