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EmpowHER Guest

when the tic started i visit a doctor.he subcribe one madicine which tablet he gavez me to use its name tagral .its for i think so relaxing ..i use to take it 2 times of a day.. i use to take thz madicine 2 or 3 years regularly but its not efective.. now i conect with hemopathic doctor.. i use to take his madicine but its not effective.. here in pakistan i m afraid to take a risk of surgry.i m v upset.. i dont know either i use to take injection aur use to take surgry ... i cudnt decide yet.. i dont know why thz happend to me...y GOD choose me for thz... i hv headic behind the my ear my right side of d head..spams is on my rite side the face ..its v difiicult to move out.............. i dont know wt to do ........

March 25, 2010 - 1:10pm


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