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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

My son has an anoxic brain injury.. he was in a coma for 8 weeks with doctors saying he was brain dead. Believe me you will not get “bored” taking care of someone you love. My son can walk ride a bike ,talk ,eat on his own. There are issues there but in time everything gets better. We have tried many therapies, some that work and some that don’t. I would be more than happy to recommend what worked for us. I believe it takes a lot of time to recover from such severe issues like these. So just breathe and try to be patient. You can try massaging her feet which stimulates areas of the brain and helps get the blood flowing and the music you have playing is great. I am in no way a doctor but these things helped with my son.. or at least it made me feel like I was trying.. I’ll pray for ya

June 12, 2018 - 10:25am


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