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EmpowHER Guest

Like everything else education would go far. Mid to late highschool would do wonders to cut down those percentages. Mostly fear. Young men should be informed of a woman's rights and the consequences of violating them. If you were to poll college males they probably don't know the laws and what they cover unless they are a law student. To some that will go in one ear and out the other. They should be further informed that its not just a one way road. Women can sexually assault a male and to grab the attention of the young and dumb testosterone amped male teenager, males can sexually assault other males. That would put it in perspective to the dense ones.
As for educating the females. They need to be taught how to communicate. Yes. No. Leave. To stay away from frats and be responsible when you drink.
Best analogy that can be applied to this. Your car gets hit, not at all your fault, but your premium goes up just because you were there. You are in control of where you are and what you do to your body.

July 4, 2010 - 6:54am


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