The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is holding a meeting on June 17 in which an advisory panel of experts will vote on whether to recommend that the agency approve the pill. Advisory votes are not always an indicator of what the FDA will actually decide so you will need to stay tuned to the news and EmpowHER to learn the decision. For more information on this drug, which is also known as the "pink pill" for women, please visit this page:
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is holding a meeting on June 17 in which an advisory panel of experts will vote on whether to recommend that the agency approve the pill. Advisory votes are not always an indicator of what the FDA will actually decide so you will need to stay tuned to the news and EmpowHER to learn the decision. For more information on this drug, which is also known as the "pink pill" for women, please visit this page:
June 17, 2010 - 6:29pmThis Comment