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NClark13, you're sorry all right. You and Anna are totally flying in the face of all the anti-abortion women out there with your idiotic "if men became pregnant things would be different" mantra. I assume you don't have a problem with all the men who declared abortion legal in this country, correct?

So, after a baby is born they don't have to be kept at the right temperature and moisture? Try placing a baby in a freezer or a dehumidifier and see what happens. I can't believe you're willing to tout such incredible ignorance in a public forum. Or by being kept in the womb until he matures enough to be a separate life? What is a preborn child before then? Dead? A preborn baby boy is not a separate life from his female mother? That's a biological impossibility. She's a female, he's a male. His DNA says so from day one. This is not the woman's own body we're talking about here. It's the body of a preborn little baby boy or girl. Next chance you get, look in the trash at an abortion mill and then say it's not a separate body. Anything that's really a part of a woman's body could never live outside her body no matter how mature it is. Not her heart, not her lungs, not her kidneys. A baby can live outside the woman's body because his body is separate from hers.

If a preborn human being is not a person from the moment of the beginning of their biological development, then it's up to human discretion when they can be killed or allowed to live. And when that happens, then the powers that be get to decide. If the powers are wicked, as they are now and have been since 1973, then they can continue to be killed. If the powers in this country were righteous, then abortion would be illegal once again. A country that kills their children is a country that will eventually kill itself. How have things been going in America since January 22, 1973? Are they getting better or worse? How about the murder rate? How about the divorce rate? How about the suicide rate? How about the teenage, unwed mother rate? How about the kids killing each other in schools rate? How about the domestic violence against women rate? How about the abortion rate? Whether you want to believe in God or not is up to you, but He will not and cannot continue to bless a country that murders its unborn children by the tens of millions. Unless you're unconscious every day, you can't help but notice America's steady slide into the immoral abyss.

Wake up to the fact that a person is a person no matter how small. An embryo doesn't resemble a newborn and a newborn doesn't resemble a 90-yr-old man. It's a shame preborn little baby boys and girls are being slaughtered just because they don't look the part.

Throughout human history, the innocent have always been persecuted and slaughtered in this world. Slavery and the Jewish Holocaust come immediately to mind. Why have there always been people like you who have been willing to go along with it?

April 30, 2010 - 6:20pm


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