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Hi nomadreid - There is a glitch in the site software that sometimes indexes topics that people have searched for although the topics are not covered on the site. This may be what happened with the information you found. In any case, the following link will take you to information about the Arrowsmith Program which comes directly from those who run it. I hope you find it helpful. Pat

The Arrowsmith Program is founded on neuroscience research and 30 years of experience demonstrating that it is possible for students to strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying their learning dysfunctions through a program of specific cognitive exercises.

The Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. Students are able to capitalize on their increased learning capacities and after a three or four year program can function without special education assistance or program accommodations. The Arrowsmith Program is suitable for students with mild to severe learning problems.


April 29, 2010 - 6:31pm


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