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EmpowHER Guest

Like Nomadreid, I, too, want to see independent, objective results from actual neuro-researchers rather than just the propaganda put out from Arrowsmith. I would like to hear from former students how they are doing in the "real" world at least 5 years beyond the Arrowsmith Program. I am skeptical to believe the results of a program developed by someone who is not an actual neurologist with a PhD or MD. Anyone who works with children knows that the brain is everchanging depending upon the cognitive level of activities the child is exposed to in their academic setting, but to make a claim that Arrowsmith can cure dyslexia (yes, I heard this stated in person from a member of the Arrowsmith faculty) is ludicrous. Please let us know where to find non-bias, legitimate, objective research data.

September 20, 2011 - 5:52pm


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