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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Diana - What a nice thing to say, thank you!
I've found that the best way for me to move forward is to understand as much as possible about my medical condition and to connect with other people who are also going through the same struggles. The medical system is mainly focused on the clinical side of health issues and doesn't devote very much time or resources to all of the emotional aspects and the changes that affect how you live from day to day. Patients who expect their doctors to do everything for them end up getting very frustrated. In an Internet world we can now access more information than ever before and we can connect with other people online in ways that were never possible before.

I have never had endometriosis but I have a friend who had issues from this for many, many years and I know it was hard for her. There are some organizations you can look into to see if they would be helpful for you. If you like some and don't like others, that's perfectly fine, what's important is to find what you are comfortable with.
Here's some resources:
The Endometriosis Association: http://www.endometriosisassn.org/
Enometriosis Organizations around the world: http://www.endometriosis.org/support.html
Daily Strength Support Group: http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Endometriosis/support-group
Your doctor's office may also be able to help, with information on local groups or organizations.

Let me know if this helps and is what you had in mind. Sometimes just knowing there are others who have the same health condition as you makes a world of difference in being able to go forward.
Take care,

July 8, 2010 - 5:19pm


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