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EmpowHER Guest

Hie..i had unprotected sex in feb and took an ecp within 24 hours of it nd 11 days later i got my periods wich wer not heavy as usual so i waited and took a pregnancy test in march 3 days before my periods were due(that is almost 40 days later of having unprotected sex)..and it turned out negative....on the day on wich my periods were due wich was 16 th of march i had unprotected sex but he did not ejaculate in me but i took ecp 56 hours later of it cz my periods had not started by then and dey havnt started yet...which means i am 10 days late on my periods...and i even have thyroid problem..what are my chances of getting pregnant? How soon can i take a blood pregnancy test?

March 24, 2015 - 3:09pm


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