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EmpowHER Guest

Hey there,
I am trying to conceive , i had the marina in and taken out about 2-3 months ago. I have always had irregular periods. I got a period on the 11th of may and stopped 5 days later. I have not had once since, my partner and i had sex everyday from the 28th of may to the 2nd of June. I have since than gotten sore boobs, cramps but not like period cramps, headaches, and a white creamy discharge (lots of it). I have taken a million pregnacy tests and all negative, one came up with a faint line but went away after 1 min. I honestly think i am pregnate and cannot get the feeling out if my head- unsure if this is just wish full thinking. I took 2 ovulations test as well and they came up with two lines 4 days ago but now they just have 1 line. Is it too early to test for pregnacy? Or am I just not pregnant :( please help

June 5, 2016 - 1:55am


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