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Hi, so I went off my pills on the 15th of April and got my normal "period" from the 19th- 25th then it stopped and I didn't continue my pills. We were protected throughout the time especially around the time I thought I was ovulating. Then on May 12th we had unprotected sex and he didnt pull out. About 5 days after that right around the time I usually get my period I had lots of cramping but no blood for 2 days and very minimal cramping up until that Saturday. I've had severe heartburn that following Monday and headaches the past week and more headaches up until today May 29th. Also, felt sick to my stomach the 2nd day of cramping right after having a shower. I've had a bit of nausea for the past week and couple days but nothing major. I've tested a couple of times around the time I thought I was going to get my period but all negatives. My period is I'm assuming irregular since getting off my pills because that's the reason I got on my pills. So from the CD 1 of stopping my pills I'm on CD 42 still with no period. And I only had cramping that couple of days and no more after that. Is there anyway I could be pregnant? I'm waiting for 19 days after intercourse since I am irregular. Me and my fiancé would be thrilled if I am but I hate getting my hopes up. I know after getting off the pill it normally takes women 2 weeks to ovulate again or it could take longer. I've also had an increasing amount of discharge after having sex and then a couple days later until it stopped around the same time I stopped cramping. And noticed it more again this past couple of days more today though May 29th. I'm just super confused.... never had kids before and kind of excited!

May 29, 2017 - 11:16pm


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