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It sounds like you've done your research! You're right...most women's cycles range from 21-35 days, but that is just a range, and your cycle may be even longer. Since you are used to irregular periods, it can be frustrating to not know when you have missed a period.

Two questions:
1. Are you using any type of hormonal contraception (the pill, for example)?
2. Are you trying to become pregnant?
3. How long ago did you have unprotected sex?

Since it has been more than 42 days since your last period, you have a few options:
- Call your doctor and let them know that your period is 42+ days late, and you think you may be pregnant but keep getting negative results. Do they want you to come in for a pregnancy test in the office?

- You can wait another week and re-test. Some women may miss a period completely, and not be pregnant, and this can be normal for them. You may still want to call your doctor to ask for their advice, since they also know your medical history.

I hope this helps---please let us know what you decide to do!

May 2, 2010 - 12:25pm


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