Hello Hun I found 2 years ago or so I got endmetrisios , for 5 years before than doctors said it was all kinds things but none of meds was working . My oldest sister found out she had endmetrisios years before I found I did , and keep telling me it was endmetrisios .. When my first surgery 2 years ago Doctor said I had mass of amount in female area and mass amount in colon . Just wanted you to know your not alone , but I completely understand how doctors are and treat us . I just had 2 nd surgery March 9 2016 , and I got more issues now than I did before either surgerys . Your be in my prays ....
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Hello Hun I found 2 years ago or so I got endmetrisios , for 5 years before than doctors said it was all kinds things but none of meds was working . My oldest sister found out she had endmetrisios years before I found I did , and keep telling me it was endmetrisios .. When my first surgery 2 years ago Doctor said I had mass of amount in female area and mass amount in colon . Just wanted you to know your not alone , but I completely understand how doctors are and treat us . I just had 2 nd surgery March 9 2016 , and I got more issues now than I did before either surgerys . Your be in my prays ....
May 20, 2016 - 5:00pmAmber
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