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Hi Tashie

This is a frustrating and painful issue, because even in this age of modern technology there is no fantastic one solution to your problem. Bruxism is pretty common, and it can lead to all sorts of issues as you are finding, including broken teeth, TMJ or temporal mandibular joint problems, muscle tension and nerve pain. We have a page with quite a bit of information: https://www.empowher.com/condition/teeth-grinding-bruxism

Basically what it comes down to is finding a dentist who is a specialist in bruxism and TMJ problems, and treating symptoms because it is difficult to find and treat the cause. Heat or ice packs on your neck and shoulders, or even trigger point injections in your neck, shoulders, and occipital area of your head may help because at this point, the bruxism causes the tightness which in turn may worsen the bruxism. Physical therapy or yoga can help you learn how to stretch out and relax those muscles. You may need a mouth guard to protect your teeth, and that guard may also discourage the grinding as well.

The National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health has a Medline Plus page on this: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001413.htm but I'm not sure it will tell you anything you don't already know.

Find a specialist dentist who is willing to work with you until you get some relief. That may take a little searching, but it will be worth it.

Good luck.

May 8, 2010 - 9:14am


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