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I was recently diagnosed with pityriasis rosea. I saw two doctors who both quickly knew what my condition was, but were able to offer no treatment other than the usual antihistimines, steroid creams and calamine lotion (which do next to nothing for the symptoms and absolutely nothing for the condition itself). The rash itself was painful, embarassing, and maddeningly itchy. I was miserable and very depressed at the thought of having to deal with this for 6-12 weeks.
Then I read online that many people got relief from sitting out in the sun. Being too vain to leave the house with this horrible rash covering the entire trunk of my body, I asked my doctor about a tanning salon. Of course he advised against it (what doctor reccomends tanning?) but I decided I had nothing to lose and went anyway. The results were DRAMATIC. The morning after I went (7 minutes level 3) I woke up and found the rash to be about halfway healed. I have gone twice in 4 days and the rash is almost gone! All of the marks have faded, some comepletely gone while others are peeling a bit, but NO NEW OUTBREAKS! Probably 70-80% healed at this point. I feel like a new person, like I got my body back! I want to share this information with as many people as possible. Doctors will tell you there is nothing you can do for this condition, you just have to let it run its course, but this is not true!
Try tanning. I never went tanning in my life and have no plans to continue after this ordeal is over, but I am so happy I decided to take matters in my own hands and take a chance. It really worked for me and I pray that some of you out there suffering from this affliction will give it a try. Good luck.

May 23, 2012 - 4:36pm


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