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EmpowHER Guest

So after being diagnosed with PR and being told i have to wait 6-8 weeks for it clear up by itself, i felt at a loss. My wedding is in 8 weeks and i have such a sever case that i doubted it would have cleared up in that time frame. So after going through as many website and seeing what worked with others i finally decided to try tanning. And from what i can tell it's working! But being fair skinned i have never tanned in a salon before and i'm not sure with the PR if this is normal, but i get little pin prick feelings where i have the PR. This feeling continues on for a few hours then dies down, and by the end of it, it starts to look better. So my question is to others who did the salon tanning if this is a normal feeling, or if it's because i'm fair skinned and shouldn't be tanning.
But to all others i do recommend getting as much UV as possible. It seems to really help it.

April 22, 2013 - 7:02pm


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