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EmpowHER Guest

This site has been an amazing source of information. I was have had PR for almost two weeks. It started with a few red spots that I thought were bug bites and then I had a friend convince me that I had fleas. I decided to go to the Doctor. He diagnoised me with PR and said that there was nothing I could do about. I have looked up images on the internet and am not sure if mine will get that bad? So far I only have spots on my stomach and its spreading up my chest. My back is still very clear, I am not sure if this is how everyone else's symptoms started or if my case is minor? Or if there even are different degrees? I will try the tanning trick and see if that does help. I do find myself waking up at night when I get to hot. The heat does increase itching. Thank you everyone for your input!

April 23, 2014 - 10:42am


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