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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi, I noticed my Herald patch 3.5 weeks ago and was officially diagnosed yesterday. My doc prescribed acyclovir becuz he said this virus is thought to be associated with human herpes 6&7. I Wikipedia the virus and found the same thing. So far I've been taking the medication and showering with head and shoulders shampoo. Then I apply coconut oil to my body. Both help with the itching, but I haven't seen any real improvement. Since I've only started taking the meds 24hrs and been bathing with the aforementioned products only 4 days..perhaps I need to give it some time.
My family as a strong history with cancer, so refuse to try tanning beds. Ill let you know what happens after I finish my meds.
PS: I don't have pets

November 21, 2014 - 12:24am


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