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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I know how you feel!1 I'm horrified to have this crap and can't wear summer skin baring clothes! I've been researching like crazy and some people have PR for much longer than 12 weeks. I I've had my rash for 9 months now! UGH!! My dermatologist says it eczema, but I know he he is wrong! I have every symptom pf PR. too many docs dismiss patients! I had the brown herald patch, now I'm also having intermittent or hot flashes,fever, lethargy. He tole me eczema is hereditary and is on the elbows and inside joints-NONE of which applies to me/1 no one in my family has eczema and my spots are NOT on my elbows or joints. WHAT is up with these docs? Wasting my time and money and not LISTENING TO WHAT I AM SAYING?! He prescribed triamincindene acetonide ointment, but it made it worse!

May 14, 2015 - 1:39pm


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