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I had PR for 3 months. It started on my chest first and one large spot on my arm. It looked like mosquitos bites at first and then ringworm when it got bigger. The doctor prescribed steroid cream (Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1%) to help with the itch and told me that PR is caused by virus and will go away on its own. On my 3rd week, it spread all over my neck, trunk, arms, and legs. The only place that was not affected was my face. The itch was severe. I tried Neoplasm and Lysine but nothing could stop the spread. I thought hot shower/bath would help ease the itch but it just exaggerated the rash and made it worse. Right before I decided to go back to the doctor, I found this website and was so glad that I did. I followed others’ suggestions, and here is what I did and it worked for me:
1. Head & Shoulder Eucalyptus: use as body wash, leave it on for a couple of minutes before rinsing it. It stings a little at some points but it really works. It dries out the rash and cools the skin to help bring down inflammation.
2. Coconut Oil/Body Butter: to keep the body hydrated, overly dry skin will cause itching. I personally prefer body butter because it is richer than regular lotion and soaks into the skin faster than coconut oil.
3. Supplements (vitamin C or elderberry extract): to boost the immune system.
4. UV light: I tried to expose to the sun 15 minutes a day. Remember it is the UV light from the sun that helps, not the heat. The heat will exaggerate the rash, so try not to wear too many clothes when getting the sun and avoid intensive physical activities. I did not use tanning bed because of personal reasons but I think it would work because it gives the right amount of UV light every time.
My PR started to flatten and dried out. It turned from bright red to brownish color. I also used Bio-Oil and Sudocrem at some points but they did not do anything for me. The scars fade on their own pretty fast so Bio-Oil is not necessary. Unfortunately, my body was not strong enough to fight the rash completely, so when one episode was over, another one began. I had multiple episodes, and it took a total of 3 months for my body to fight it off. During the last month, I was giving up and stopped thinking about the rash. I guess because I was no longer stressed out, my rash somehow healed really quickly at this point. I was worried because the scars were everywhere on my body, but they just peeled off or faded away as soon as the rash cleared. Now 90% of my scars is already gone, the 10% left is the ones on my legs which will eventually go way as well.

September 9, 2015 - 4:17pm


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