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Hi! I've had PR for about 4 weeks now. Started with a herald patch on my arm, and it wasn't concerning until it got to be the size of a quarter. A few spots started popping up on my stomach, and I thought for sure it was an allergic reaction to something, new laundry detergent or something I had been eating. One week prior to getting PR, I got extremely sick out of no where! I was throwing up, and felt AWFUL for almost a week. It was some kind of weird virus, and it's not until I realized that I had PR, that they went hand and hand together.

When I first went to the doctors, they told me it looked like I picked up something from the gym. Some type of fungus. They prescribed me a fungal cream, and that absolutely didn't work. More and more spots were popping up on my torso and near my armpit. A week later I found out it was definitely PR.

It's frustrating because it's something you can't control, and makes your self confidence go DOWN. I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks, and just praying it goes away by then..which I think that is making me stress out more, which isn't good.

I tried everything in the book. Cortisone creams, baking soda mixed with coconut oil, all natural lotions, tanning beds, and I'm currently trying just calamine lotion and keeping the areas DRY. It seems like the dryer the rash is, the better it is. Some spots are starting to peel, and even get darker! Which I'm hoping that means it's healing. Every single time I shower, I cringe when coming out and looking in the mirror. Seems like more spots pop up as soon as my body hits the water. I just ordered "Prreze" off of Amazon, and it's arriving this week. I heard amazing things about it, and I hope it works for me!

Good luck on all of your PR journeys. Try not to stress, like me. Maybe get some CBD oil to help the anxiety/stress. I also purchased that this week to help! If anyone else has any tips to dry it out more, let me know! I only went tanning ONCE, should I go back?


March 18, 2019 - 9:59am


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