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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi I just got PR about 2 weeks ago and it started to freak me out. I'm African American so it is twice as bad because they are hyper-pigmented (darker). I did stress but I found out what I had, I am going tanning... yes we tan too :-). I did try the Psoriasin ointment with Coal Tar 2% which helped TRENDOULOUSLY with the itching(Note: Wait 24 hours after using Psoriasin before tanning). I feel much better. But also use Cetaphil lotion to keep moisturized and buy 100% Castor Oil. Castor Oil is the best oil that goes into your body and help with the healing.


Sorry folks but if you have faith and believe in GOD.... remember he has the last word. The doctors can say oh your scars will stay, they will be perminent.... WHATEVER. Pray ask him for his grace in helping with the healing and let your prayers be answered. It's is just the devil trying to steal your joy... DON'T LET HIM. I grew a finger nail when I wasn't suppose ... my finger got chopped off and my mom prayed... I have a beautiful nail!

Well, good luck I'm still on my 3rd week and I'm working out today... That's has been my stress reliever for 5 years and I refuse to sit an sob about these scars that I've already given to God.

Stay blessed and stop worrying! I'll keep all my PR buddies in my prayers.

September 14, 2011 - 1:57pm


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