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Hi Ms./Mrs. Alison,

Good day. Hi, I'm 15 and have been very very very stressed with the things going on with my body. I just really need help. Please, I beg, help me.

I am still a virgin but we all know with a boyfriend around, hormones are raging on and we just can't help but mess around. We didn't have intercourse but we had a little hand job here and blow job there and a little touch on my feminine part but he didn't insert his finger on mine. We messed around last September 11 and I had 3 period after that which was normal heavy flow. Then we messed around again last November 27. And my last period was November 20. This time we were much careful. I did oral sex, hand job and all. But the time he was going to leave he said if I wanted him to touch my feminine part. I said okay. But I told him to wash his hands first to make sure that there are no sperms in it. He did. So now, Im still worried that Im pregnant because my boobs are sore. And I think my tummy is a lot more bigger now. But I haven't had normal sickness yet. Please help me. And also, I had a pregnancy test last October and it says negative. Could this be ovulation or am I just really stressing out and my hormones are just all crazy right now because of everything that been happening? I'm hoping for a positive response. Sorry if its a bit long. I promise we won't mess around again and just enjoy our lives bein young teenagers. Thank you and God Bless. -K

December 8, 2014 - 3:51am


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