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(reply to Cary Cook BSN RN)

Thank you, Cary, I will read and research some more. Yes, I will continue to ask more questions of my Dr.'s. I have thought of pushing for permission to see an infectious disease Dr. (we talked about it), but the Dr. she recommended is not part of my HMO, and she wasn't sure of the name of the person in my area who was, at least familiar with yeast issue. And, of course, more out of pocket expenses, but maybe I will have to consider. I will pursue your suggestion at my next appointment with my Primary Physician in a couple of months.

I do not have diabetes. My sugar is normal (although it runs in my family). I have my sugar checked several times a year, because I have been concerned/aware of this and yeast connection. Just recently checked (non-fasting 98).

I am on a really good healthy diet right now. My Dr's are aware of
what I am eating. I am also at a healthy weight. If what you said is true about the hormones, perhaps this is what causing my problem. Please, pursue.....not just for me, but for others! :) With Yeast issues showing up more these days, someone will need to find an answer for those of us that need to take hormones to survive Menopause transition. But if it causes other issues, we are really in a bad place, it is VERY frustrating and uncomfortable. Do not want to return to sleep meds (progesterone helps).. been there done that for years. Finally, done with meds for sleep. They stop working and make you feel yucky.

My "R Doc" said that the extra Estrogen might be causing my hand/wrist pain. And also said that sometimes that joint pain can be caused by hypothyroid (which I am not right now). My GYN had told me that Bio-identical Estrogen has a risk of blood clots, as synthetic, but a little less risk, because you can use less (have a bit more control with the cream). So maybe she is not right?

Again, thanks for the help. I'll keep you posted. And FYI, I read many websites offering help for Yeast Overgrowth (by Dr.'s. nurses, homeopathic, neopathic Dr.'s as well), that said that according to their experience and research, the use of the Birth Control Pill (or synthetic hormones replacement therapy) CAN causes Yeast Overgrowth (and hormone imbalance in some women.....and since I'm fluctuating because of Menopause, could be part of the problem as well). (PS: FYI....E Coli has been addressed as well). I think I've read close to 50 sites or more, trying to help myself. As I said, I tried stopping my Progesterone and felt terrible, so back on my bio-identical progesterone for now. And yes, my Dr. knows that I am on Progesterone only. I was on it for almost a year (alone), before starting the bio-estrogen (which I took for only a few weeks). I tried testosterone for one week, yikes!

Hoping that by posting our dialogue that maybe someone out there will read and share their experiences/solutions. My Primary Physician said there is not enough research done on the Bio-identicals yet. True or not...help is not here for me yet. :) :(. I can't tell you how much it means to have your help. God bless you!


June 25, 2010 - 7:47pm


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