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I am 29 and have had 3 emergency surgery incision and drainages of what is believed to be a piliondial abscess all though all 3 times there was only a massive infection to be found and every time I wasn't taken seriously until I could no longer walk. My absecess are on both sides of the tailbone which is extremely unusual im told and they are both the size of a grapefruit and they have never drained on there own. The abscess' have only gotten more infected to where I can not receive efficient treatment and am experiencing blood poisoning from the infection. The pain is beyond horrible to where I can't move or even walk. I am scheduled for a full cyst pocket removal with a wound vac very soon and have the worst anxiety over it. My doctor has said a full removal of the cyst pocket and surrounding material will cause it to not recur and prob is the only way to keep it from coming back. It is my understanding after literally going through hell year after year that removal of the entire cyst sac and surrounding area is the only cure for this. After multiple specialists, surgeons, dermatologist and several theories I fear I am out of options except to have a baseball size or larger worth of flesh removed and left open for months to heal. I'm extremely sorry for each and every one of you as I know how extradiniaely painful these can these get let alone they're frustrating and embarsssing. Good luck to you all. Find a colon rectal surgeon who will listen and take care of you!

April 18, 2017 - 11:06am


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