I've had great success using Compound W wart medication to remove milia near my eyes. Don't buy the liquid formula that drips! Use the gel that stays put. A very tiny dot is all you need! Use a magnifying mirror to be certain you're applying the smallest dot possible. Sit down to ensure that your hands remain steady. Good lighting is essential. Be very careful not to get the gel on surrounding skin. This treatment will burn slightly for about three minutes, then you won't feel a thing. When dry, it will look like a tiny white splatter of paint. Leave the white dot on your face for two days. Don't attempt to peel the dot off right away. It will simply leave a minor red spot without removing the white bump. Resist the urge to peel and re-apply. After two days, gently peel the white spot off. Your bump (milia) will simply peel away. (By the way, ladies, change your moisturizer. Milia is often caused by rich facial creams which trap moisture and dead cells under the skin. Opt for the simplest moisturizers with the least ingredients. I like Cetaphyl or Neutrogena for sensitive skin. Once I stopped using Olay prodcuts, my problem with milia decreased dramatically.)
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I've had great success using Compound W wart medication to remove milia near my eyes. Don't buy the liquid formula that drips! Use the gel that stays put. A very tiny dot is all you need! Use a magnifying mirror to be certain you're applying the smallest dot possible. Sit down to ensure that your hands remain steady. Good lighting is essential. Be very careful not to get the gel on surrounding skin. This treatment will burn slightly for about three minutes, then you won't feel a thing. When dry, it will look like a tiny white splatter of paint. Leave the white dot on your face for two days. Don't attempt to peel the dot off right away. It will simply leave a minor red spot without removing the white bump. Resist the urge to peel and re-apply. After two days, gently peel the white spot off. Your bump (milia) will simply peel away. (By the way, ladies, change your moisturizer. Milia is often caused by rich facial creams which trap moisture and dead cells under the skin. Opt for the simplest moisturizers with the least ingredients. I like Cetaphyl or Neutrogena for sensitive skin. Once I stopped using Olay prodcuts, my problem with milia decreased dramatically.)
October 20, 2010 - 4:02amThis Comment