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Anon - I am at somewhat of a loss in terms of how to advise you since I too had a surgical menopause and it did not result in weight gain. I'm curious about your comments about being a borderline diabetic with borderline high cholesterol. Could it be possible that the type of food you're eating, rather than the number of calories, is contributing to the weight gain and the other concerns? Has your doctor discussed implementing a diet that will help you in prevention of diabetes? Jenny Craig provides pre-packaged meals and some "counseling" services. Weight Watchers teaches healthy eating habits for life and the practical aspects of preparing and purchasing food, eating out, maintaining a healthy weight and more.
The Weight Watchers website has some helpful information about weight and diabetes that may help you in assessing your situation. http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/index_art.aspx?tabnum=1&art_id=20861

Please check this out, and let me know if you find this helpful. Good luck! Pat

July 28, 2010 - 5:07pm


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