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I came off the pill 3 months ago, I was on cerezette for 6 years and never had a period for 6 years, 3 weeks after coming off the pill I had a period and it was really heavy, as soon as I came off my pill like a week after I got a really bad sharp pain in my tummy (left side) at the bottom, I sometimes had bleeding during and after sex and sometimes it would really hurt after like a really bad tummy ache. The stabbing pain in my belly got really bad and I went to Meddoc who referred me to the hospital for a scan, I was given morphine but because I could still feel the pain they admitted me and I had a scan which was shown to have no cyst on my ovary they could see anything, I now have been referred to a gynaecologist who I'm waiting to see but I have came on my period again and the stabbing pain has got really bad again it's definitely not period pains, I'm scared I have endometriosis? Has anyone got any advice? I have been trying for a baby since I came off the pill 3 months ago and still nothing we have sex alot to try and concieve and no luck, I'm so scared I have endometriosis?

September 8, 2014 - 9:33am


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