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EmpowHER Guest

This is usually something that happens every month a small cyst forms on your overy called a follicular cyst when this ruptures your cycle begins and you get your period a few days later. sometimes you can have other types of cysts that can form as well but if it is happening just before your period and it goes away within a day or two it's probably nothing to worry about talk to your doc to be sure don't worry they hear about this stuff all the time it's nothing they haven't heard from millions of other women. There are conditions like endometriosis that can cause major problems with your cycle and fertility if it is let go but that usually puts you in bed for a while as it is extremely painful...I am no doctor but I did work at a gynecologist office that specializes in these areas.........don't be afraid to talk to your doctor or even your school nurse there is nothing to be ashamed of

January 4, 2015 - 12:14pm


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