I developed PPD allergy when I was 22 years old after 4 years of hair dyeing on black. (I am male ginger and I don't like my natural hair colour).
Once you develop allergy, nothing would help. My scalp became itchy more and more and I started loosing hair. I was researching and after a year I found another
solution, indigo - indigofera tinctoria.
Due to my natural hair on which indigo did't adhere well I had to dye my hair every 10 days. I used pure indigofera tinctoria with destilled water heated to 60
degrees and with non-iodic salt on extra-clean hair.
After a year, suddenly the same thing happened as it happened when I was using chemical dye. My scalp became itchy more and more from week to week until my hair
started to fall out again. I was very depressed. Indigo also can not be removed entirely from hair. Finely I had to shave myself to avoid any further itching and
redness of my scalp. Once you develop allergy on indigo it is there. I tried to dye just a patch of my hair after a year and allergy was still there.
However, I hated my ginger hairs and started to explore again. Tried also dyeing with walnut shells with the same allergy again. I didn't dye my hair for 2 years and
even with no dying on my hair, slight allergy was developed every few months. I had very sensitive scalp and had to forget on any dyeing.
Nobody know how frustrating all that was. Not only I lost part of my hair during allergy reaction (for which I did'nt know they will grow back), I also didn't feel
well with my ginger colour of hair.
But I didn't gave up. after two years I found that allergy can be treated with allergen injections but was very expensive in Slovenia.
It sounds strange what I did (I was very desperate), but it helped.
I red that if you raise your alergen level in your blood, the body would stops reaction!!!
Indigofera tinctoria is a natural plant used also for healing in traditional medicine, nontoxic to human body.
I again partly dyed my hair (on the back, so I was able to cut them at allergy reaction)
I sniffed indigofera tinctoria powder through my nose, two times a day for a month. The taste was not very pleasant but alergen absorbes trough mucous membrane
(doesnt come to lungs).
After first sniff, itching on the back stopped. But developed again. I sniffed a small amount of pure indigofera tinctoria powder when itching started. After I month
I overcame an allergy and was able to dye all of my hair with no itching or hair falling out.
I was very happy with my experiment, but I didn't wan't to share with anyone because one might think I am giving hazardous advices.
I know well how frustrating itchy scalp and allergy can be and it was nothing compared to slight risk of indigofera toxicity (I did'n found any bad effect).
I don't encourage anyone to do the same as I did. One should get allergen injections under medical supervise if develope allergy on all hair dies but still doesn't
want to give up hair dyeing.
After your body stops reaction on allergen, it is permanent solution. Now I have been using indigo on my hair for 5 years without any reaction. My hair grew back.
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I developed PPD allergy when I was 22 years old after 4 years of hair dyeing on black. (I am male ginger and I don't like my natural hair colour).
Once you develop allergy, nothing would help. My scalp became itchy more and more and I started loosing hair. I was researching and after a year I found another
solution, indigo - indigofera tinctoria.
Due to my natural hair on which indigo did't adhere well I had to dye my hair every 10 days. I used pure indigofera tinctoria with destilled water heated to 60
degrees and with non-iodic salt on extra-clean hair.
After a year, suddenly the same thing happened as it happened when I was using chemical dye. My scalp became itchy more and more from week to week until my hair
started to fall out again. I was very depressed. Indigo also can not be removed entirely from hair. Finely I had to shave myself to avoid any further itching and
redness of my scalp. Once you develop allergy on indigo it is there. I tried to dye just a patch of my hair after a year and allergy was still there.
However, I hated my ginger hairs and started to explore again. Tried also dyeing with walnut shells with the same allergy again. I didn't dye my hair for 2 years and
even with no dying on my hair, slight allergy was developed every few months. I had very sensitive scalp and had to forget on any dyeing.
Nobody know how frustrating all that was. Not only I lost part of my hair during allergy reaction (for which I did'nt know they will grow back), I also didn't feel
well with my ginger colour of hair.
But I didn't gave up. after two years I found that allergy can be treated with allergen injections but was very expensive in Slovenia.
It sounds strange what I did (I was very desperate), but it helped.
I red that if you raise your alergen level in your blood, the body would stops reaction!!!
Indigofera tinctoria is a natural plant used also for healing in traditional medicine, nontoxic to human body.
I again partly dyed my hair (on the back, so I was able to cut them at allergy reaction)
I sniffed indigofera tinctoria powder through my nose, two times a day for a month. The taste was not very pleasant but alergen absorbes trough mucous membrane
(doesnt come to lungs).
After first sniff, itching on the back stopped. But developed again. I sniffed a small amount of pure indigofera tinctoria powder when itching started. After I month
I overcame an allergy and was able to dye all of my hair with no itching or hair falling out.
I was very happy with my experiment, but I didn't wan't to share with anyone because one might think I am giving hazardous advices.
I know well how frustrating itchy scalp and allergy can be and it was nothing compared to slight risk of indigofera toxicity (I did'n found any bad effect).
I don't encourage anyone to do the same as I did. One should get allergen injections under medical supervise if develope allergy on all hair dies but still doesn't
want to give up hair dyeing.
After your body stops reaction on allergen, it is permanent solution. Now I have been using indigo on my hair for 5 years without any reaction. My hair grew back.
June 17, 2012 - 7:18amThis Comment